Martello No. 7

To the right of the Mirage café at Pembroke Bay as you look out to sea. Perry’s Ref:6 D2

We are not going to get in to the argument about the correct naming of these towers here. This site is referred to as ‘Martello No 7’ and there’s nothing I can do about that, but if you want, you can call it Loop Holed Tower No.7. This site is part of the 16th golf hole and is intriguing because it seems so, well, left. If I had the budget (along with the relevant expertise and equipment at my disposal) this is the area in which I would be parading up and down with my ground penetrating radar and laptop.

What can be seen above ground are the remains of a chamber or cist and the remains of a stone circle that surrounded another cist.

Whatever this site was, parts of it were excavated by Lukis who found the usual flint flakes, pottery and some stone rubbers. (Stone rubbers are stones used to smooth tools etc. using water and sand and the action of abrasion.)

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